The white rabbit is ready to continue stealing the mobile to the protagonist of our musical comedy in 2020. After spending several shows in Petit Romea and last year traveling to “Circulo de Bellas Artes” in Madrid, this contemporary Alice written by playwright Marta Buchaca will travel to different municipal theaters in Catalonia.

The dates will be :

January 26th  in Llinars del Vallès, February 8th in Montornès, March 14th in Pineda de Mar and April 4th in Sant Celoni.

At Petit Romea, “Alícia in Mobileland” will play on Sundays March 1st and 8th, at noon! You can buy tickets here!

Viu el Teatre presents a rabidly contemporary and updated Alice. A version of the Lewis Carroll myth with which it is impossible not to identify and reflect on the coherent use of the mobile phone.

A musical comedy that will make the whole family laugh and enjoy!