We are convinced that culture and education have to go together to join forces and create a better world.
We take care of the youngest audience accompanying them on this exciting trip to go to the theatre, so that they feel free, experience and enjoy the artistic experience.
That is why we are convinced that their educators often need tools that give us our experience in pedagogy of theatre which makes sense and gives professionalism to theatre in the classroom.
We like to accompany them, to make them feel, to be close and to learn from the children, encouraging and valuing their critical look towards the theatre and the world.
We work on joint actions in which theater and school are committed to a quality educational theatre that contributes to creating more empathic people, with more resources and more communicative and emotional skills.
Our actions on the education sector are:
- Petit Romea with school
- We travel to school
- Pedagogical projects
- Training for education professionals