The show Pintamúsica, by Berta Ros, Gisela Juanet, Lorena Lliró and produced by Viu el Teatre, will fly to Poland in October. Viu el Teatre is very excited to share that Pintamúsica has been selected to be part of the programme of the S·PLOT International Congress of Performing Arts for Children and Youth.

Last March we celebrated 10 years of the show and announced that it had performed 600 shows, had more than 50,000 spectators and had been to three countries. Now, we are adding one more country to the history of Pintamúsica.

In addition, the tour of the 2024/2025 season continues in schools and theatres all over the peninsula. Follow our agenda to be informed of all the places where you can see us. We are passionate about keeping sharing this show.

We continue working so that the performing arts are present in people’s lives and, especially, in the first stages of life.

Pintamúsica is an artistic sensorial experience to live the pleasure of the first stage awakening with your child. Recommended for children from 1 to 5 years old.

A white square, four colours and live classical and popular music are the main ingredients of this shared journey through the seasons of the year. Three musicians, actors and singers lead us to create an adaptation of Joan Miró’s painting Birth of the Day. This is Pintamúsica: a sensory adventure to listen, look, interact and play!